Gracie, Russell and Alyssa met on Craigslist, and they love to shred. Self described as “Garage Glam”, Titsweat is influenced by women of the 80’s and 90’s like Kate Bush and Sleater-Kinney. The band boasts catchy riffs and pop sensibility with a heavy coating of fuzz, lipstick, and sweat. Titsweat have gathered a solid following locally since their first show last year and have since had the chance to play with bands like Black Ends, VCR, Bad Optics, and Triple Lutz. Fresh off of their appearance at the Second Annual Eugene PorchFest the band has taken to the road! Catch them here at Belltown Yacht Club or in a city near you. This emerging Glam Garage band is not to be missed.
A 4 piece band from Seattle, we are consistently on CHAOS MODE.
Sunday March 5th
8:00pm Doors / 9:00pm Showtime
$10 Advance / $13 DOS